This broke the streaming platform’s own latest concurrency report of three.5 crore viewers, which was created during the India Vs Pakistan match earlier in this match. The fire broke out on the primary ground of the Pavan Dham Veena Santur Building, which houses a number of offices and retailers. Last month, Vistry confirmed its focus was transferring from private to solely social housing. Roughly 200 jobs are going to be reduce on account of a business restructuring that can scale back the variety of regional Vistry models from 32 to 27. UK housebuilder Vistry is to chop 200 jobs and make £40m less profit than previously thought after a stoop in demand.
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We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, be taught, and work. FTSE Russell head of sustainable funding Tony Campos says demand for sustainable investments stays excessive despite a small current downtick. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is ready to embark on a visit to Egypt on Friday as a part of his… Safaricom PLC introduced on Wednesday that it has officially completed the acquisition of the whole issued share capital of …