Among these liberal arts faculties are Amherst College, with 1,800 college students and a fund of $2.2 billion and Williams College, with about 2,a hundred college students and a $2.5 billion endowment. Maybe that is going too far, but it’s laborious to look at the present state of the American college and think that the liberal arts have a brilliant future. Dengan mempelajari banyaknya ilmu pengetahuan di Liberal Arts, mahasiswa terbiasa untuk berpikir secara analisis, rasional, terorganisasi, kritis, mengambil keputusan dengan bjak, dan lainnya.
Check out this current USA Today article that argues that the abilities and values most directly associated with the liberal arts are certainly straight related to increased earning power. Liberal Art merupakan suatu sistem pendidikan yang sangat berbeda dengan sistem-sistem pendidikan yang sudah ada di Indonesia. Employers like liberal arts majors because they are leaders who are inquisitive and life-long learners.
Dr. Mark Decker of the Department of English just revealed an article titled (Re)model(ed) Towns and the Remodeling of American Ideology: The Expansion of Middle-Class Hegemony in Allan Pinkerton’s The Model Town and the Detectives and Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest” within the spring 2012 challenge of the journal Clues. Beberapa hal yang menunjukkan perbedaanya adalah …