Children at weddings are super cute! Princess gowns and mini suits add many colours and smiles to your wedding and are seriously adorable. With them all dressed up like angels of heaven, it’s a great opportunity to click some right poses that go straight to the walls of your home. However, getting the kids to stand still and pose for wedding photography in Sydney is a real struggle. Here, we’ve listed a few tips to capture the best smiles of kids at your wedding.

1. Get the Most Important Shots First

If kids are designated as flower girls or ring bearers at your wedding, getting them in the wedding photography is crucial. So, take the most important shots when they are fresh and peppy (kids can get cranky at the most unexpected times ). Some of the shots that you can prioritise before the beginning of the ceremony are the flower girl by herself, the flower girl with the bride, the ring bearer by himself, the ring bearer with the groom, the son and daughter with Dad, and the son and daughter with mom. There are also a few opportunities to steal the smiles of these little cupcakes after the wedding. Those poses include the ring bearer and the flower girl with bride and groom, son and daughter with mom and dad, and more.

2. Click Size-appropriate Pictures

Sometimes, flower girls and ring bearers are infants and toddlers. Taking a good picture of them is tedious as they have their own playing and napping schedules. So, whenever there is an opportunity to freeze them on a frame, be mindful of their physical size in relation to the bride and groom. If the kids are toddlers and infants, the bride and groom can hold them, or if they are elementary school-aged, the couple can squat down next to them so their heads are close to the same height. Or the bride and groom can sit on a swing with kids surrounding them for a more vibrant feel.

3. Give a Long Window of Time

We all know kids can’t stay quiet and still for long. They love running around, chasing the butterflies in the fresh air, and refining their gross motor skills. So, it’s challenging for wedding photographers in Melbourne to get a decent amount of time to photograph them. So, schedule your photographers for a long enough time, and get their parents to stay in the area with them to click some portraits that bring smiles throughout the lives of the bride and groom.

4. Keep the Kids Well-fed and Hydrated

A hungry kid is a hangry kid! So, keep them well fed and ask the parents or adult accompanying them to carry small, clean snacks. Don’t feed them with snacks that can stain or create a mess at your wedding. Always ensure they have plenty of clean snacks and food to eat before the beginning of the ceremony so they won’t feel hungry during the important wedding events. As the weather can heat up in Sydney, arrange reusable water bottles for parents and kids. Encourage kids to drink plenty of water to stay cool and have bathroom breaks before the photography session begins.

5. Add Props

Wedding photography is all about creating magical memories that will last a lifetime. To get kids into wedding photography, incorporate a few props to add a sprinkle of wonder. You can transform ordinary photography into an extraordinary one with the right props and themes. Some props that can elevate your wedding photography with kids include soft toys, stuffed animals, oversized lollipops, cherished toys, hats, bubbles, baskets, and more. This creates stunning visual elements that add a special touch to your wedding photography.

6. Don’t Rush the Kids

Oh boy! The kids aren’t pros when it comes to pressing moments. Unlike adults, they won’t work well under pressure. Most of the time, kids are unpredictable, and the best thing you can do is not rush them. There are no time constraints when clicking pictures of kids at your wedding. If the kids are not standing still, allow them to play a game or keep themselves busy. This provides a great opportunity to steal candid smiles that add amazing memories to your wedding photography.

7. Make them Wear Comfortable Outfit

Ill-fitting, odd clothes are the biggest no-no, especially for kids. You can always choose dresses, skirts, and suits exclusively designed with comfort and style in mind for a fuss-free experience. Avoid extra fabric, unnecessary jackets, tights and more that could make them feel uncomfortable and difficult to move. Also, avoid too-tight and itchy outfits, as they can make your kids grumpy throughout the event.

Wrapping Up

Children are special little wedding guests. They add a special touch and joy to any wedding. But getting them involved in wedding events and photos requires a lot of patience and preparation. With the above tips, you can get the best possible photos out of your children. Also, hire the best wedding photographers in Brisbane, who are kid-friendly and look for great opportunities for natural photos. Good luck!