Several years in the past, Liz Coleman, the president of Bennington College, gave a chat at TED about A New Liberal Arts.” At a convention normally reserved for technology whizzes or scientists, she gave a convincing argument for the value of a liberal arts schooling in an age where hyper-specialization is seen because the apex of human endeavor. Pendapat kami Liberal Arts wajib dikembangkan di Indonesia untuk perkembangan pendidikan Universitas yang lebih maju seerti Negara-negara di Eropa yang sudah menerapkan sistem pendidikan Liberal Arts ini. However, some universities akin to Saint Leo University , 19 Pennsylvania State University , 20 Florida Institute of Technology 21 and New England College 22 have begun to offer an associate degree in liberal arts. Masyarakat masih belum percaya dengan hasil akhir dari Liberal Arts, sehingga mereka masih memilih sistem pendidikan yang lama.

Campion College is a Roman Catholic dedicated liberal arts college, positioned within the western suburbs of Sydney. You will even be encouraged to develop a level of specialization in a Major discipline or in a bunch of thematically-linked courses. Di Indonesia sendiri sebenarnya sudah terengar wacana untuk menggunakan sistem Liberal Art pada perguruan tinggi.

Beberapa yang paling umum adalah fisika, kimia, biologi, ilmu ekonomi, psikologi, ilmu politik, matematika, sosiologi, antropologi, ilmu lingkungan, bahasa Inggris, ilmu laptop, movie, dan teater. Several members of the College of Liberal Arts workers visited Bill’s Bloomsburg studio in August to study glassblowing and watch as he created one in every of these lovely apples. From local weather change and schooling reform to worldwide conflict and malnutrition, Coleman would not consider the technician can resolve these issues alone. This was the first time I had heard the phrase liberal arts.” What it initially stood for, in my thoughts, was no accounting.

Maybe that is going too far, however it’s arduous to have a look at the current state of the American college and think that the liberal arts have a vibrant future. Dengan mempelajari banyaknya ilmu pengetahuan di Liberal Arts, mahasiswa terbiasa untuk berpikir secara analisis, rasional, terorganisasi, kritis, mengambil keputusan dengan bjak, dan lainnya.

Even throughout the liberal arts, increasingly more students are, in Delbanco’s phrases, fleeing from ‘useless’ topics to ‘marketable’ subjects akin to economics,” within the hope that it will lend them the practical credentials and cachets that may impress prospective employers. Materi yang diajarkan di Liberal Art lebih menekankan pada pengaplikasiannya di kehidupan sehari-hari, tidak hanya teori saja yang dipelajarinya.liberal arts