2020 was destructive which risked our relationship with nature. We haven’t even got a chance to travel and capture beautiful and breathtaking scenes on our camera. However, there were no credible whispers on technological powerhouses. In 2021, the camera manufacturers under big names promise to develop magical capturing cameras with a wide variety of options.  Massive changes in the camera industry are yet to come. For more information, go for Britain Reviews.

What can you expect from the far-reaching names is the excellent new models and massive changes. This article covers the summary of Canon, Nikon, and Sony cameras that are predicted to come on board in the coming months. You can see camera brands list reviews with the best cameras.


Canon is pushing hard to expand its lens selections and come out with the best trends. However, in 2020, they were not behind any technological process. They introduced numerous lenses around 70 f2 with L-glass under 200-800ml and also f11. Furthermore, the introduction of the EOS R5 and EOS R6 cameras was from Canon which was an expansion from the series EOS R. The R series used RF-mount which is 54mm in diameter. Following the RF-mount, Canon is predicted to build a mirrorless setup. Mirrorless camerasbuying guide is also available to get effective cameras. There will be no issue of consistency in the capturing i.e. megabyte size, different colour science, and resolution. A High-resolution version of EOS R5 with an electronic viewfinder under 60-90 Megapixel is also predicted.


Nikon introduced Z-mounted sports bodies in 2020 under mirrorless lenses that are Nikon Z6 and Nikon Z7 along with their ii marks. There’s no expectation of introducing any large camera but it is predicted to see pro-level lenses. Their brand new setup will have no new Z-mounted lenses. Officially, they just announced a 35mm f/1.2L setup. Moreover, it is expected that they will release 400mm f4 and 600mm f4 mirrorless systems which are absent now. Nikon was unable to upgrade and update more powerhouses due to the financial crisis in 2020 but still, it is up with the new lenses predictions. However, the best-selling DSLR 3500 will be updated by the company and new DSLR releases are also expected.


Around September and October, Sony introduced a7c which is the smaller version of a73. Predictions on Nikon in the 2021 year is that it is going to introduce a7-iv which will follow the a7 series. Moreover, a9iii (a9 mark 3) featuring 20-30 MP sensor and 8k RAW filming support will be on board following the a9 series. The raw filming is emerging these days. Well, a9 series is a kind of flagship sports camera, especially it was preferable for wildlife photography. There were battery life and banding issues which are supposed to get fixed. Other expectations from Nikon are it is going to come up with a range of lenses with more aperture size which is 1.4 in the current time.

Globally, the smart camera market is aligning newstrategic developments for 2021. Canon and Sony are releasing their high-end resolution-based pro-level cameras with mirrorless setup, Nikon is considering lenses preferable.