The starting of 2014 was extremely busy for us; it included 4 quilt show vendor booths in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, and a move to a new and smaller home. Not only do Sauder Village Members receive discounts on class charges, but as a Member you also gain limitless admission to the Historic Village and discounts in our Gift Shop, General Store and Quilt Shop throughout the term of your membership. JILL VENDITUOLI of Sunnyfield Studio Needlework Design in West Newfield, Maine is providing design lessons, all through 2017-18.fiber arts

Thank you to the next special donors who proceed to assist our exhibitions and programming: Verrill Dana, Ann Kaplan, Maine Humanities Council, Maine Arts Commission, Katharine Watson, Judith Connorton, Carolyn Murray, Bangor Savings Bank, Mary Lou Steptoe, Arlene Morris, Dr. Steven Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Ahh, Mary Scott Huff returns with a challenge for all of you that have let her guide you together with her Eeek Steeks lessons these past few years.

She teaches spinning and knitting throughout the US and is the author of The Practical Spinner’s Guide: Wool (Interweave 2015) and plenty of articles for Spin-Off Magazine. And, learn about different Fiber Arts Exhibits We are looking forward to the Spring Show, Earth, Wind and Fire, on the Albuquerque Garden Center in April. Located in the Railroad Arts District of Athens, GA, we supply tremendous cotton materials, hand-dyed materials, quilting and sewing notions, instruments and patterns. As you punch the fiber with the needle, the barbs tangle the fibers creating felt.

The WNY Fiber Arts Festival would like to thank the 2017 advertisers, Acorn Works Fiber Processing and blubird STUDIO FIBER ARTS. Guild Mission Statement Article II: Purpose Mesa Fiber Arts Guild is a non-revenue group devoted to the preservation of fiber arts: weaving, spinning, knitting, floor design, fiber dyeing and associated fiber arts. Modern fiber artwork takes its context from the textile arts , which have been practiced globally for millennia. There has been a change of plans with the Art League of Lincoln October Fiber Art Show.

Cross Orchard Heritage Days, June; Mesa County Fair, July; Palisade Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival Fiber Expo, August; United Way Fiber Show, May. The North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to expertise optimistic inclusion, creative expression, and the economic enterprise of art. I went to the University of Washington from 1973-75 to get my MFA diploma in Textile Design.