Design your own course of study based mostly on your interests and goals, with steering from a school advisor each step of the best way. Mary Katherine Duncan, Professor of Psychology, and I (Meghan Weeks, Psychology main) recently presented a poster on the Development of Y… Rock Columbia County II: Youth Outreach Opportunities for Families, Children, and Youth” and distributed complimentary copies of the reference guide at the Undergraduate Research Conference on the Capitol in Harrisburg, PA. We were honored to represent Bloomsburg University and are most grateful to the College of Liberal Arts for sponsoring our travel.
I agree that the liberal arts are essential to advance as a society, that everyone must be allowed to pursue the humanities, that they cowl a broad range of important topics, and that the American schooling system is uncontrolled usually, however I draw the line there. The following was written by Stasi Golembiewski, a sophomore Psychology main with a minor in Creative Writing.
Liberal Arts hampir selalu didefinisikan sebagai institusi pendidikan S1 khas Amerika Serikat, padahal institusi pendidikan ini sudah mulai menjamur di Eropa, contohnya European College of Liberal Arts di Berlin, Jerman. Second, there’s at all times a criticism that education is an ivory tower, disconnected from the true world.” Not here. The College of Liberal Arts pronounces the approval of a brand new Interdisciplinary minor in Middle East Studies effective Fall 2012.
The division between vocational and liberal arts education, which began through the nineteenth century with the appearance of the land-grant state universities in the United States, is at present tilting additional and additional in favor of the vocational. Beberapa bahkan mengira institusi macam ini adalah tempat untuk belajar seni rupa dan seni pertunjukan saja.
Selain digunakan di Amerika Serikat, Indonesia pun sudah mulai melirik sistem Liberal Art ini. Liberal Arts adalah sistem pembelajaran yang mempelajari berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, dari ilmu pasti hingga ilmu sosial. College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be offers a transparent image of all of the forces, each within and outside the university, working towards the liberal arts. Semakin lama proses soisalisasi tersebut, semakin jauh pula kita tertinggal dengan negara-negara barat yang telah lama menerapkan sistem Liberal Art.